Why Ductless Mini-Splits Are Better Than Window ACs in Metairie, LA

If you need a compact air conditioner for your home, you can choose between a window AC and a ductless mini-split system. While window ACs are quite popular, a ductless mini-split system may be better for your home in Metairie, LA. Here are several reasons why:


Ductless mini-splits are significantly more efficient than window air conditioners. Window ACs can’t cool or warm the room evenly since they are on one side of the room. Therefore, the temperatures will vary depending on the distance from the AC.

Also, gaps and broken seals around the window could let in air, compromising the air quality and affecting the internal temperatures. Ductless mini-splits are central units that provide even heating and cooling. Since these AC systems don’t have ducts, you don’t have to worry that the air outside will get into your home.

Ability to Scale Up

One of the downsides of a window AC system is that you have to move it or purchase a new unit when you need to heat or cool another room. In contrast, a ductless mini-split system can support several indoor units, allowing you to cool the entire house. These systems also incorporate thermostats and remote controls that make it easy to operate the system.

Noise Reduction

You have to bear with noise if you opt for a window AC system. This can be problematic, especially if you work from home. Conversely, ductless mini-split systems are quiet.


Window AC units are susceptible to theft and malicious damage since they are accessible from the outside. On the other hand, the indoor unit of your mini-split system is inaccessible to thieves. You can also install the outdoor unit in a secure location.

Ductless mini-splits AC systems are efficient, quiet, and easily expandable. Contact Vallee Air Conditioning and Heating to purchase a ductless mini-split AC system at an affordable price. Our experienced team can install the system in your home.

Image provided by iStock

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